When cooking we all know that we need to have clean hands. But what do you do when you are out hiking or just simply cooking over a fire. Here it is good to have some hand sanitizer with you so you do not contaminate your food.
Below I have compiled a few recipes on how you can make hand sanitizer at home. But you could of course also just buy your Hand Sanitizer or your Disinfectant Wipes.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Information provided by the CDC
What is Hand sanitizer?
Hand sanitizer is a liquid or gel that is used to decrease infectious agents or germs on the hands.
Washing your hands is necessary. Not just during the flu outbreak, but you have to do it all of the time, especially for personal hygiene. But washing your hands is not always accessible.
Sometimes you go out to work or school, and you can’t bring soap and clean water with you all the time. So, using hand sanitizers can really be convenient for you.

But you don’t have to worry about getting a hand sanitizer because you can easily make some of it in the comfort of your home. In this article, we’re going to teach you different recipes of homemade hand sanitizer, using simple ingredients and materials that you might have at home.
Let’s make Hand Sanitizer
Here is a small list of the recipes here in this article:
- Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer Gel (Link to the recipe)
- Citrus Hand Sanitizer (Link to the recipe)
- Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer Spray (Link to the recipe)
- Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer Gel (Link to the recipe)
- Non-essential oil Homemade Hand Sanitizer Spray (Link to the recipe)
Before we begin, just a simple reminder:
Make sure that the materials or tools that you will use for mixing are properly sanitized to avoid contamination. It is also recommended to let your hand sanitizer mixture sit for a minimum of 72 hours, so that, the sanitizer has time to kill any bacteria or germs that might have been introduced during the mixing process.
Alcohol is the main ingredient in making a hand sanitizer. You need to put at least 60% of alcohol for the sanitizer to be an effective disinfectant. And also, if you want to add some fragrance to your hand sanitizer, you may do so, by adding essential oil onto the mixture. Good luck!
1. Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer Gel
Ingredients/Materials you will need:
- 3/4 cups of Isopropyl Alcohol or Rubbing alcohol (99%)
- 1/4 cups of Aloe Vera Gel (it will make your hands feel smoother and act as a moisturizer. And it can counteract the harshness of the alcohol)
- 10 drops of essential oil such as peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus oil (this is optional, just in case you want to add fragrance to your hand sanitizer)
Tools you will need:
- Bowl (to mix ingredients)
- Measuring cups
- Spoon for mixing
- Whisk
- Empty bottle
1. Pour all of the ingredients into the bowl. It is better to use a pouring spout to avoid splashing of the liquid ingredients but it is not necessary.
2. Mix all of the ingredients with a spoon. Then beat the mixture with a whisk to turn the hand sanitizer into a gel. Whisk can help the mixture to make it thicker quickly. Just keep beating it until it forms into a gel.
3. Lastly, pour the gel-formed mixture into an empty bottle that you want to use. Avoid touching the mixture with your bare hands for it might have contamination. Label it “hand sanitizer”.
Aloe Vera contains antioxidants, enzymes, and Vitamin A and C. It is anti-inflammatory that can help in treating burns and dry skin. It contains natural moisturizers that help to retain moisture on dry and rough skin. When you use Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer, the alcohol on its mixture will evaporate off of your hand killing the germs and bacteria, then the Aloe Vera will remain and form a protective layer on your skin, leaving your skin moisturized and soft.
2. Citrus Hand Sanitizer
NOTE: This hand sanitizer has three different essential oil such as lemon, orange, and tea tree oil. If you have a light-sensitive skin, I suggest that you have to use this with caution. Because both lemon and orange can make your skin more sensitive to sun exposure.
Ingredients/Materials you will need:
- 5 drops of Vitamin E oil (this is optional, it can make your hands softer)
- 3 tablespoons of Isopropyl Alcohol
- 5 drops of lemon essential oil
- 5 drops of orange essential oil
- 5 drops of tea tree essential oil
- Distilled water
Tools you will need:
- Empty spray bottle
- Spray bottle funnel (to guide the liquid ingredients into the small opening of the bottle)
1. Pour the Vitamin E oil, Isopropyl, and essential oils into the spray bottle. You don’t need to use a bowl to mix it because we are not trying to make a gel hand sanitizer, so you can just put the ingredients directly into the bottle. Place the sprayer or cap on tightly and then shake it well for about 15 to 20 seconds.
2. Open the spray bottle, and fill it to the top with distilled water. Place the sprayer on tightly and shake it again for 15 to 20 seconds. And you are done!
Lemon oil and orange oil are natural disinfectants. It also has antimicrobial properties that promote faster healing of wounds, and antioxidants that can brighten and preserve your skin tone. Tea tree oil has been proven to kill viruses, molds, bacteria, and fungi. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory.
3. Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer Spray
Ingredients/Materials you will need:
- 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin or Vitamin E oil
- 20 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 10 drops of spruce essential oil
- 6 drops of lemon essential oil
- 3 to 4 tablespoons of Isopropyl Alcohol
Tools you will need:
- Empty spray bottle
- Spray bottle funnel (to guide the liquid ingredients into the small opening of the bottle)
1. Pour the Vegetable Glycerin or Vitamin E oil and essential oils into the spray bottle. Don’t forget to use a funnel to avoid splashing of the ingredients.
Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of alcohol or until the bottle is almost full. Place the sprayer or cap on the bottle tightly and shake it well for about 30 seconds to mix the ingredients evenly. Done!
Lemon oil and Tea tree oil is as we all know, a natural anti-inflammatory. Spruce essential oil contains monoterpenes that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic, mucolytic and respiratory therapeutic effects. It is an antiseptic and expectorant that is usually used for many respiratory issues. For the use of this hand sanitizer, always remember to shake it well before use.
4. Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer Gel
Ingredients/Materials you will need:
- 3 tablespoons of Isopropyl Alcohol
- 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel
- 1/2 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin or Vitamin E oil
- 20 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 10 drops of lavender essential oil
Tools you will need:
- Bowl
- Jar, squeeze tube, or an empty bottle
- Whisk
1. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl. Mix it with a whisk. Continue stirring or mixing it until it forms into a gel.
2. Pour the mixture into a jar, squeeze tube or an empty bottle. It depends on you and on what bottle it is convenient to carry. Done!
Vitamin E oil can protect your skin from damage. It also has moisturizing and healing benefits, and it helps to strengthen your skin barrier function. Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation and everybody knows that. It is usually used in Aromatherapy. This essential oil can help in treating anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, and eczema.
5. Non-essential oil Homemade Hand Sanitizer Spray
Ingredients/Materials you will need:
- 1 cup of Isopropyl Alcohol
- 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%)
- 1 teaspoon of glycerin (98%)
- 1/4 cup, 1 tablespoon, and 1 teaspoon of distilled cold water (85 ML)
Tools you will need:
- Empty bottle or container
- Pouring spout
- Stirring rod
- Measuring spoon and cup
1. Pour the alcohol into the container or empty bottle. Use a pouring spout to avoid splashing off the ingredient. Then add the hydrogen peroxide.
2. Pour in the glycerin and stir. This is thicker than alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, so it usually takes some stirring to combine the mixture. You can use a stirring rod or a spoon, or you can just place the cap on tightly and shake it well.
3. Once it is combined evenly, pour in the water into the mixture then stir or shake it well until all of the ingredients mixed.
Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic that is used to prevent infections of minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises or burns. Glycerin can help the dead skin cells fall off and help the skin to keep in more water which leaves your skin to feel smoother and softer.
Conclusion and Warning
There are a lot of ways on how to make a homemade hand sanitizer that you can easily follow. There are a lot of hand sanitizer recipes that you can check on the internet depending on what kind of sanitizer that you want or what benefits of the ingredients are more appealing to you.
Some people use a lot of essential oils, not only to add fragrance to it but also to have health benefits out of those essential oils.
Other people want to add some glitter and colors on their hand sanitizer to look cute and pretty. But I highly suggest not to use one of those because it might cause irritations on your skin.
Not just that, glitter may get into your eyes and feel itchy. Actually, I’ve tried using a colorful hand sanitizer before, and I regret it because it literally stained my skin and the worst part is, it is hard to come off even if you wash it.
NOTE: Do not always rely on your hand sanitizers. It is still better to wash your hands with soap and clean water than just using a hand sanitizer. But always store or put your hand sanitizer in your pocket or in your bag since you can’t bring your soap with you all the time. Make it a habit of cleaning your hands using either a soap or hand sanitizer when you are in a crowded area. Stay safe and clean folks!
Having a clean kitchen is a happy kitchen – because when your environment is clean, you feel happy, motivated and healthy.
Bonus Recipes
I will give you an extra recipe for a homemade liquid hand soap since it is also necessary to wash your hands. It is a great recipe because we will be using natural ingredients.
Liquid Hand Soap
First, you will need:
- 1/2 cup of Castile liquid soap
- 1/2 cup Distilled water
- 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil
- 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil or olive oil
- 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 5 to 10 drops of lavender essential oil
Tools you will need:
- Jar or empty soap dispenser
- Stirring rod
1. Pour the distilled water into the container (you have to put water first to prevent bubbles). Then pour in the Castile liquid soap, followed by the oils. Stir it until it is well-combined.
Rub your hands with this soap, lather the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your fingernails. Wash your hands for about 20 seconds or while singing two Happy Birthday song.
Basic Vinegar-based Neutralizing Spray
You will need:
- Spray bottle
- 1 part water
- 1 part vinegar
- 5 to 15 drops of essential oil of your choice
(Lemon essential oil can neutralize strong kitchen odors. While Tea tree and Eucalyptus oil can neutralize bathroom odors.)
1. Combine all of the ingredients together in a bottle. It is preferred to use a glass spray bottle than using a plastic one. Mix and shake it all together until it is well-combined.
Hand sanitizer is cleaning procedures that you use when you can’t wash your hands. But remember it is always important to wash your hands correctly before doing any cooking and also throughout when you change between ingredients like meats, vegetables and other types of food.