حلال Bacon
I have some Muslim friends, and when I am cooking dinner for us all I have to remember to make sure that the food is Halal. Being the great bacon lover that I am Ii quickly searched for a good substitute for pork bacon so that I could include it in my meals for the friends.
Some of the best Bacon meat substitutes I have found is Turkey Bacon and Beef Bacon. These are both great in the taste and texture of the meat. That being said there is much more to learn about Halal Bacon. For what dish should I use which bacon is there Vegan Halal Bacon? In this article, I will go more into depths on these questions. Also what makes a dish Halal and what makes it Haram. That way you will hopefully be informed enough so that you are able to cook great bacon for yourself and your friends that suits your exact needs.

What are Halal and Haram?
What makes it halal (permissible)? (حلال)
It’s the ingredients, not the flavor that matters. So, even if it does not taste like bacon (or pork) but has pork in it, it’s not halal. But if it tastes like bacon but has no pork, it’s OK. The ISA is also giving certifications to some brands so that you as a consumer can be sure that the bacon you buy is Certified Halal Bacon. That being said just because some brands don’t have the stamp it doesn’t it make them haram.
Halal guidelines:
- Vegetarian cuisine is halal if it does not contain alcohol.
What makes it haram (forbidden)? (ḥarām) (حرم)
You can say that all that is not Halal is per definition haram. That being said there are some specific rules that will make things haram.
Things that can make a dish it haram.
- Containing Alcohol
- Made out of pork
Types of Halal Bacon
When you are looking for Halal Bacon there are a few questions that you need to consider. You have to think of what dish are you going to use the bacon in. And are you looking for meat bacon or non-meat bacon? If you are just looking to buy halal bacon I have also supplied a link if I have found an online place to but halal bacon. Just read on.
Meat types of Halal Bacon
Here I have listed some of the meat types of halal bacon here below. But if you are looking for a more comprehensive list of bacon look here. Some of them have a certification of being Halal approved.
- Beef Bacon (Check on Amazon)
- Turkey Bacon (Check on Amazon)
- Lamb Bacon
- Duck Bacon (Check on Amazon)
Non-Meat Halal Bacon
Almost all vegan bacon are Halal Bacon, I have yet to find one that is haram (unpure). Here I have listed some of the more popular types of vegan bacon.
- Coconut Bacon (Check on Amazon)
- Soy Bacon (Check on Amazon)
- Tempeh Bacon (Check on Amazon)
- Seitan Bacon
Popular Halal Bacon
The 2 most popular types of halal bacon are Beef and Turkey. It is the ones that most people find to be the best flavor.
Beef Halal Bacon
Beef Bacon is the for the ones that like a more “meaty” texture of the meat. If you are making a good breakfast meal and you are not thinking of the nutrition values I would strongly recommend that you use Beef Bacon. So depending on what meal you are making use the bacon accordingly.

We also have an article on beef bacon here if you want to know more.
Buy Halal Beef Bacon From Amazon Here
Turkey Halal Bacon
As with beef bacon, it also depends on what dish you are using the bacon for. Turkey bacon is really good in sandwiches and more lighter meals. Making a good BLT with turkey bacon can really make the turkey bacon feel like it is the crown that makes it king. Another good thing to remember is that turkey bacon actually is leaner than most other types of bacon.
We also have an article on turkey bacon here if you want to know more.
Buy Halal Turkey Bacon From Amazon Here
What Halal Bacon Should I Use for Cooking?
So when you are cooking your meal and you want to include bacon. I have a few guidelines that you can keep in mind when choosing your meat.
- Light Food
- If it is a small lunch dish or something that you feel is a light dish think turkey bacon.
- Stew
- When making some kind of stew or similar I would recommend that you use a more texture-rich type of bacon. The best properly being beef bacon.
- Healthy food
- A lot of people like to eat healthily. If that is the case for you then no matter what you are cooking then you should properly choose either turkey or duck bacon. With these, you get the best ratio of meat to fat.
Making a Bacon Halal Sandwich
How To Make a Halal English Breakfast
Are Smoky Bacon Crisps Halal?
Although trying to promote pork-flavored food to Muslims is generally a bad idea, the product in question doesn’t actually contain any meat. Smokey bacon flavor pringles are suitable for vegetarians and don’t contain any pork. However, they’re not halal-certified, so some Muslims prefer to avoid them.
Other Great Halal Products
Those of you that like the great smoked taste of Halal Bacon also often like other delicious types of food. I have mentioned some here below so that you might get some inspiration.
🐄Halal Beef Sausage and Pepperoni.🐄
Beef Pepperoni or Sausage is really something that you need to taste if you like a good smokey flavor. You can eat it as topping on pizza or directly on the bread. You just need to remember that it is often very rich in taste so you probably need to make thin slices of meat if you don’t want to get to rich of a taste.
—Read more on Beef Bacon Here—
Brands that make Halal
There are a few food manufacturers that specialize in making great Halal products so that you as a consumer can be guaranteed that you eat Halal meat. The company that I have found has a big variety to choose between is Midamar.
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That being said there are also others. I would actually recommend that you try out a few because some season their meat and others don’t which alters the flavor.