You might think then that to freeze bananas you only need a freezer, bags and a banana, however, there are many factors that can affect positively or negatively the quality of our fruit, that is why in this article you will find answers to many of the questions you may have at the time of this procedure.

If you have a lot of bananas at home, before they get too ripe, freeze them instead of throwing them away. Frozen bananas are delicious and have multiple uses, for example, in smoothies, milkshakes and baking recipes.
Depending on the use, you can slice them and freeze them on a baking sheet, mash them if you are going to use them for baking, or even save a little work and time by freezing them whole with or without the skin.
Keep bananas out of the air.
One of the most important things to do if you want to keep your bananas from turning brown is to limit their exposure to air.
Because banana slices turn brown when exposed to oxygen in the air, keeping the fruit physically away from the air will prevent an oxidation reaction from occurring. There are many ways to do this, for example, the following:
A simple trick is to use waxed paper. Cut the slices so that they are about the same size, then spread them on a tray. Cut a square of waxed paper that goes into the tray, then put it on top of the red ones and press them gently so that each one sticks to the paper.
The banana slices will be between the paper and the tray without being exposed to the air. Below you will find detailed information that can help you freeze your bananas using this procedure.
If you have time, you can also cut small squares of waxed paper or film and put them individually on each slice. Be sure to remove them before consumption.
If you have a vacuum storage device, you can also store the slices in an airtight container.
How long can you freeze bananas?
Frozen peeled bananas can last up to a maximum of 6 months, whereas if you freeze them in their peel you can only store them for 3 months.
What is the best way to freeze bananas?
The most important thing to keep in mind is that bananas must be fully ripe before they can be put in the freezer. When bananas are ripe, the peels are yellow. It is OK to let them freckle or turn brown before freezing them but do not freckle or turn brown with unripe banana peels.
How to Freeze Whole Bananas
While bananas can be frozen peeled or peeled. However, it is important to note that refrigerating them without the peel will bring better benefits. For example, when you decide to freeze bananas with the peel, you should wait for the peel to thaw before you can peel it. Also, there is a risk that the peel may break badly while you are peeling it.
It all depends on the use you give to the fruit, that is, if you are going to prepare puree, for example, to make banana or banana mousse or another dish that requires this crushed fruit, it will be necessary to freeze it with the peel.
You must take into account that when the latter is frozen, it turns black, however, the fruit usually keeps its original color and can be eaten without any inconvenience.
To do this, you will have to place the bananas in the freezer, for a greater organization you can place them inside an airtight bag or directly in one of its compartments.
In case you prefer to freeze whole and peeled bananas, the best thing to do is to find an airtight container or bag suitable for them to fit whole without breaking and put them in the freezer.
How to freeze sliced bananas
Cut the bananas in slices about 3 cm (1 inch) wide. If you cut them thicker, they will take a little longer to freeze, but it will save you time when you cut them, so it’s up to you. You don’t have to be very accurate to cut them.
Put the slices on a baking sheet in a single layer. Try to leave a little space between them so they don’t stick together when they freeze. If you want to freeze a bunch of bananas, you will need several trays.
To make it slightly easier to remove the slices, you can line the tray with greaseproof paper, but removing them without the paper will still be quite simple.
The reason for freezing them in a tray first is so that they do not stick together and form a solid lump of frozen bananas.
Freeze them for 1 hour or until they solidify. Put the trays with the banana slices in the freezer. You may have to rearrange things in the freezer a bit to get the trays in. Check the fruit again after 1 hour. If it is still not solid, check it again after half an hour.
You can check if it’s ready by pricking a piece. If it is soft, you will need more time.
Transfer the frozen banana pieces to a bag labeled with the date. Put the slices in a special plastic freezer bag, take the air out of it and close it. Label it with the date you’re going to freeze it so you don’t leave it in the freezer unintentionally for years.
How do you thaw frozen bananas?
For banana pieces, simply remove the amount you need and put them in the freezer to thaw. Saying “room temperature” is a vague term, not the same in one city as in another.
The recommended thing to do would be to move from the freezer to the refrigerator and let the food thaw in the refrigerator. The next option would be to immerse the sealed container or bag in fresh (never hot) water so that it thaws by heat transfer or theft gradually.
Bananas can also be thawed in the microwave, but there is always a risk that the process will take a few seconds and the texture of the food will deteriorate. The defrosting time depends on the size of the banana pieces.
What can I use frozen bananas for?
Frozen bananas are delicious in smoothies, milkshakes and pastry recipes. If you want to use them for smoothies or milkshakes, cut them into slices and put them on a frozen baking sheet. If you’re going to use them for pastries, you can save yourself some work by freezing them whole.
You can make muffins, ice cream, smoothies, cakes, cookies, bread, or if you prefer, you can simply soak the frozen banana slices in melted chocolate before freezing them and you have a quick and delicious dessert.
Can you freeze bananas in their skin?
You can if you wish, however, if you want to minimize the amount of time you spend when using your bananas, then peel the bananas. Do not leave them unpeeled when freezing, otherwise, the peels will turn black and slimy in the freezer. It is possible to remove the peel with a knife, but it will be much more difficult than just peeling an unfrozen banana.
Can mashed bananas be frozen?
Yes, you can freeze a whole banana or you can mash it before you take it to the freezer, you must choose a banana that is completely ripe, peel it and crush it using some utensil such as a grinder or a fork, once you do this add a few drops of lemon juice to the banana puree if you want to preserve its color. Since it could change its natural appearance for a brown color
Once you have made all the banana puree you can put it in a special freezer bag without forgetting to label the date you are freezing your bananas.
Do frozen bananas lose nutrients?
Most fruits, vegetables, and berries retain their nutrients, flavor, color, and texture if handled and frozen properly. Vegetables that are harvested and frozen immediately can preserve their qualities better than those that undergo transport, handling, and temperature change processes, among others.
If you freeze it at its exact point of ripeness you will not lose any of its nutrients, on the contrary, you will preserve them longer.
Can I freeze over-ripe bananas?
Bananas will not ripen any more once they are frozen, so it is better to let them ripen without rotting before preparing them for deep freezing. In fact, the riper the banana, the sweeter it will be, as the starches are converted into sugar.
This will naturally increase your baked goods and can help decrease the amount of other added sugars and sweeteners you use. Also, bananas have a lot of moisture, which helps you reduce the fats (oil and butter) in your baking.
Older bananas are great for baking recipes because they are very sweet, so you can even freeze one with completely brown skin.
If the banana you have is so ripe that it’s almost liquid, throw it out.
Do frozen bananas turn brown? / Is it okay if frozen bananas turn brown?
It is completely normal for this to happen because of the oxidation process we explained earlier.
When freezing your bananas in a bag you should remove all the air that is left in the bag, this way you will prevent your bananas from oxidizing and turning brown.
How do you know if frozen bananas are bad?
It is not bad to eat frozen bananas, as long as you eat them at the right time (maximum 6 months).
On the contrary, eating frozen bananas has many advantages.
Advantages of freezing Bananas
Forget about washing, cutting and peeling when preparing your favorite recipes.
Two of the things that we most value in our daily lives are time and comfort. With your frozen bananas you will win on both counts.
Because opening a bag and finding just what you need, ready to eat is much better than having to wash, cut and peel the piece you want to take. And even more so when you want to make a juice or a smoothie, which you know how the kitchen looks like afterward.
Always available!
One of the disadvantages of fresh products is that they are not always available, and if they are, their price is much higher. However, the frozen ones will always be available. You will have seasonal fruit all year round.
Enjoy them at their best!
Bananas are frozen at their optimum ripening point, just when they are most tasty and nutritious.
Same nutritional value as of fresh fruit
Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, water, sugar Its properties are not altered. During the freezing process, the nutrients of the fruit are not lost, therefore, all its benefits are maintained. When frozen, they arrive at the table as if they were freshly picked fruit.
Frozen fruits have a great resistance to the passage of time since they can remain inside the freezer for up to approximately one year. Except for citrus fruits, which can only stay up to three months.
Are frozen black bananas safe to eat?
If you have frozen your bananas without removing the peel, it is normal that once inside the freezer the peel will take on a black color appearance, so you should wait until the peel is thawed to check the texture and flavor of the banana.
Can frozen bananas make you sick?
Frozen bananas cannot make you sick as long as you use them at the right time. That is why it is very important to emphasize that you should label the package where you store them with the date you froze them.
This is because once they have been frozen, the taste and texture of the banana can be compromised and the loss of nutrients can also be compromised.
Contrary to this, freezing your bananas will ensure that they retain their properties such as those mentioned below:
- It keeps the bones strong
- It has anti-inflammatory powers that help treat diseases such as arthritis and gout
- If you want to increase your weight, the banana is a good option, but it also helps to lose weight
- Help relieve constipation
- Relieves stomach ailments such as ulcers
- They’re great for treating kidney disorders
- Protect your heart and keep it healthy
- They are recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids
Is Freezing Avocados Similar to Freezing Bananas?
Freezing avocados complete guide: Freezing avocados is similar to freezing bananas in that both fruits need to be peeled and mashed before storing them in a freezer-safe container. The key is to add some lemon or lime juice to prevent browning. Follow this complete guide for best results.
How do you freeze bananas without turning brown?
Unlike other fruits, bananas turn brown faster when you put them in the refrigerator than if you leave them outside. This makes them, in general, not very appetizing, but it is a highly recommendable fruit and you must keep it in your diet.
Normally, the cold helps to preserve and maintain the appearance of fruits and vegetables, slowing down the ripening process. But this is not the case with bananas. Why does this happen? There are several causes:
The main reason is that the banana, which is a tropical fruit, does not tolerate cold very well. It keeps much better at about 57°F (14°C) than it does at 40°F as it can be inside a refrigerator.
This is mainly due to the structure of the banana skin or peel. Which is actually the area that darkens first. This is due to the fact that the peel releases specific enzymes that cause it to turn black.
The banana skin releases ethylene, which is a gas that makes the fruit ripen. It makes it go from green to yellow, and then to black. The cold makes that the generation of this substance is promoted.
The skin of the banana has a structure composed of acids and fat molecules that make it a sweet fruit. Unlike ethylene, when introduced into the refrigerator, the cold causes them to block and not act properly. For this reason, the ethylene gas acts freely and makes the banana peel ripen quickly, turning black.
In short, subjecting this tropical fruit to the cold accelerates the ripening process and makes it turn black before we leave it out of the fridge. So if you don’t want your bananas to be brown before freezing, we have a few tips for you.
Don’t separate the bananas
First, you have to leave the bananas together in their cluster. If you pull them out of it and separate them, they will ripen much earlier, i.e. first they will be spotted, then they will turn brown and finally black. That’s why it’s very important to keep the bananas together.
Wrap the tip of the bunch of bananas with film paper.
The tip of the banana turns out to be the most delicate area of the fruit. It is the area where they begin to ripen and darken quickly. Wrapping the tips of the bananas with film or transparent paper will prevent air from penetrating and will slow down the ripening process.
Cut some film and wrap the tips 6 or 7 times to ensure that they are well covered. If you feel like eating a banana, first remove the plastic wrap, tear off the banana you are going to eat and cover the tips again with new plastic wrap. With this simple trick, you will be able to keep your bananas looking impeccable for a week longer than usual.
Use fruit juice
There are several fruit juices that can prevent banana slices from getting rusty. You can use freshly squeezed or bottled juice, it doesn’t matter. You won’t need much anyway. Half a cup will be enough for 1 or 2 bananas.
Lemon juice is the most commonly used juice to prevent fruit from oxidizing. It works the same for both bananas and apples. However, there are many other juices you can use for the same function, including
- lime juice
- orange juice
- canned pineapple juice
- fresh or canned grapefruit juice
- apple juice
Dip the banana slices in the juice. To do this, you can pour the juice over the slices or soak them in the juice. You can also soak them in the juice for a few minutes, which will allow them to absorb some of the juice. This last option is excellent for keeping them looking fresh, but it might affect their taste a little more than usual.
Another quick way to soak them is to put them in an airtight plastic bag with juice and move them gently a few times.
To minimize any flavor changes in the bananas, use a minimum amount of juice or put it in a spray bottle and spray the slices.
You can even revive brown banana slices with pineapple or grapefruit juice. If the banana slices are already rusty, all is not lost. To rinse the rusty banana slices, you can soak them in pineapple or grapefruit juice in a can for 10 to 15 minutes. They will not return to their original pale yellow color, but will look fresher and more delicious.
Use soda water.
Fruit juice is not the only thing that can be used to prevent bananas from rusting and turning an unappetizing color. For example, soda water and sparkling water have the ability to keep the freshness of sliced fruit.
Best of all, these liquids will not affect the taste of the bananas. Use it just like fruit juices and soak the slices in soda water before serving or storing them.
Use diluted citric acid.
Citric acid (the same chemical that makes citrus fruits like lemon acid) is used specifically to prevent the fruit from oxidizing while it is being packed.
However, it is often difficult to find. The best solution is to go to a natural products store or hardware store. Or go to Amazon.
To use citric acid, add 3 teaspoons to 1 cup of water and stir. Soak the slices in the mixture normally. Do not use undiluted citric acid, because it will taste too acidic.
Use diluted vinegar
Vinegar can be used just like citric acid to keep the fruit fresh. However, the strong acidity forces it to be diluted as well. Like citric acid, add a few teaspoons to 1 cup of water and soak the banana slices in the mixture normally.
Use dissolved vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is another acid that can prevent the fruit from oxidizing. Vitamin C powder is usually sold in most supermarkets as a supplement for colds. Dissolve it in water (according to package instructions) and soak banana slices in the mixture normally.
If you’re in a hurry, a ground vitamin C tablet will also do the trick.